There are 3000 people living at or below the poverty level in Sawyer County.

“There are 3000 people living at or below the poverty level in Sawyer County.”

There are 3000 people living at or below the poverty level in Sawyer County.

100% volunteer operated

There are 3000 people living at or below the poverty level in Sawyer County.

Some clients receive assistance only once …

There are 3000 people living at or below the poverty level in Sawyer County.

Kids learn better with proper nutrition ...

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HCFS gratefully accepts both financial and food donations. Since we are a 501(c)(3) organization, donations may be eligible for tax deduction (contact your income tax advisor for details). Receipts are provided upon request.

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Everyone who asks gets food! Any person living in Sawyer County, Birchwood, Cable, Springbrook, or Stone Lake is eligible to receive assistance from HCFS. See below for eligibility.

Need Food Now? Go to the Sawyer Co. Sheriff”s Office at 15880 5th St., Hayward to pick up a box of food. 

Email us @ and someone will follow up with you shortly. Any information you provide will be kept confidential and used only to answer your inquiry.

Hayward Community Food Shelf is Celebrating 40 Years of Service!


Any person living in Sawyer County, Birchwood, Cable, Springbrook or Stone Lake is eligible to receive assistance from HCFS. The only requirement is proof of residency for the family.  Individuals should bring along a current utility bill or other mail item showing their home address.

Individuals receive a generous three-day supply of food. Every attempt is made to provide the ingredients for well-balanced meals. Government commodities are also being distributed to qualifying families. Clients may receive assistance one time each month. Some clients receive assistance only once while others need assistance more frequently.

Our clients come from a wide variety of situations. Some are disabled, some are working, and some simply cannot find gainful employment in this area. Forty-nine percent (49%) of our clients are adults between the ages of 18 and 59, children make up twenty-six percent (26%) and the remaining twenty-five percent (25%) are seniors. Our average family size is 2.5 individuals.

Established by a small group of concerned citizens in 1985, the Hayward Community Food Shelf’s mission is “to provide food for those in need in an efficient, compassionate, and non-judgmental manner.” Since its creation, the need in our area has continued to increase. Annually, a total of just under 650 different families (1700 individuals) seek food assistance from HCFS.

HFCS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax exempt organization. Our purpose is funded solely by donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations. No government funds are received, but we do distribute government commodities. No volunteers receive any financial compensation for their efforts or contributions. All food and monetary donations are used to provide food to those in need in Sawyer County, Wisconsin and neighboring communities.

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Thank you to our Volunteers
